Booya Changed to Curbside with Faith in Action
Faith in Action for Cass County has decided to hold the 2020 Fall Booya Curbside on Friday, September 25th from 4:30 to 6:00 PM at Union Church in Hackensack. “We believe this is the only Booya event in North Central Minnesota,” stated Booyamaster Mike Bohanon. “We know we can make this a fun curbside event for fall.” Booya is a rich stew, slow-cooked to perfection overnight in a giant cauldron with several kinds of meats and loads of vegetables. With Linnea’s Organic Sourdough Bread, you have a superb meal for a fall evening. Faith in Action’s community volunteers provide neighborly assistance with rides, accessible van rides, companionship, basic home repair and chore services. Services are provided based on need, not income, and there are no fees for services. Local support of Faith in Action is the key to helping people stay living in their homes and communities for as long as possible. Donations will be accepted at the door. Call 218-675-5435 to learn more about the free Booya event and Faith in Action programs and volunteer opportunities. Or visit for more information.
Guide for Minnesota Small Businesses Who Need Help
March 31, 2020 | Economic DevelopmentOver the past few weeks, several state and federal programs have been built to assist small businesses struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Different programs make sense for different businesses, so we’re providing this summary guide to help small businesses quickly see which programs might be right for their situation. SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) – all Minnesota small businesses should apply for these!
2. Next, call your bank. Your banker will have advice for you on:
4. If you do not use a bank and/or do not have insurance on your business:
Permalink: View entire list 12 Uniquely Simple Ideas to Spread Some Holiday Cheer (Taken from:
1. Handwrite a letter. The handwritten letter has become a lost art in our world. During the holiday season, the handwritten letter has been replaced by the mass produced-family-photo-card-purchased-on-Shutterfly. And in a world where handwritten letters have been forgotten, their uniqueness and value increases dramatically. So find yourself 10 minutes, a stamp, and an envelope. Choose an old friend with a current street address and put some of your thoughts of appreciation on paper. You’ll be glad you did. And it will be the best piece of mail your friend receives this holiday season. 2. FaceTime/Skype an old friend. Technology has entirely changed our lives. In my lifetime alone, the idea of video conferencing with a friend has gone from far-fetched science fiction to cultural norm. Use it to your advantage by connecting face-to-face with an old friend or a friend halfway around the world. It doesn’t need to be too long, just lengthy enough to wish them a happy holiday and maybe compare how much the children have grown. 3. Buy coffee for a stranger. Next time you roll through the drive-thru of your local coffee shop, offer to pay for yourself and the person behind you (if they have already ordered, the cashier should have their bill handy). Or better yet, a little trick I learned from a friend is to leave a $20 bill with the cashier after you pay and ask him/her to pay for the following customers until the $20 runs out. Either way, coupled with their favorite beverage, this pleasant surprise is guaranteed to brighten someone’s day. 4. Smile and joke with your next cashier. The hustle and bustle and stress-filled shopping days leading up to Christmas results in plenty of customer-frustration. Parking lots are crowded, shelves are empty, aisles are full, and check-out lines are long. During these days in retail, even the simplest of smiles from a customer is too rare and fleeting. Next time you reach the front of the check-out line, make the most of your interaction by smiling, engaging, and flashing a little humor. 5. Leave a nice tip. Rare is the waiter or waitress getting wealthy at their job serving food to patrons. Most of the servers I know are working the shift just trying to make the ends meet for themselves and their family. An extra $20 added to their nightly tip will certainly bring some extra holiday cheer—especially during a busy time of the year when they’d rather be home with their family. 6. Buy movie tickets for a family in your neighborhood. Know somebody on your block who has fallen into some difficult financial times? How ’bout putting some movie gift cards in an envelope and leaving it on their doorstep? Time with family is always good. And some holiday entertainment may be just the distraction they need to experience a little extra cheer. 7. Ask your religious friend about the story behind the season. Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, and other religions all celebrate important dates and remembrances during the month of December. The next time you are at a holiday party, ask your spiritual friend the story behind their religion’s celebration. Almost certainly, their eyes will light up that somebody expressed interest in something so important to them. And whether you choose to believe the story or not, you will become better informed about another culture’s understanding of the season. Win-win. 8. Invite someone over for dinner. For any number of reasons, there are many people alone during the holidays. If you know someone alone this season, open your house to them for a meal. Rather than infringing on your holiday traditions, it may just become one of your favorites. 9. Send a gift of food/coffee. There are countless inexpensive, clutter-free gift ideas that can be shipped nearly anywhere in the world. With minimal expense and just a few mouse clicks, you can easily send an edible gift to show someone your appreciation for them. For example, a good friend just gifted me a membership to Mistobox. Needless to say, its arrival is virtually guaranteed to spread some holiday cheer into my coffee mug. 10. Shovel your neighbor’s driveway. I learned it from my dad years ago. Now granted, with the prevalence of snowblowers nowadays, this early morning surprise may be a little less appreciated than in years past. But if you can bring a little cheer to your neighbor’s face on a cold, snowy morning during the holiday season, your good deed will not go unnoticed—and will likely get mentioned by the recipient as soon as they arrive at work. And when it does, it will sound something like this, “You’ll never guess what my neighbor did for me this morning…” 11. Bring in a warm breakfast for your office. Doughnuts are great. I mean, everybody loves the guy who brings in doughnuts. But to take it even one step further this holiday season, bring in something warm for your officemates to eat. If the timing is right, you can bring in something homemade. But I once had a boss unexpectedly bring in 25 various breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds and place them on the counter for the office staff. Certainly, it cost him a lot more than a dozen doughnuts. But I still talk about those breakfast sandwiches even 5 years later. 12. Go ahead, sing along. Whether in your car, in the office, or in the store, you know the songs. They get played every year. And quite frankly, some of them are pretty darn catchy. So go ahead, sing along when you get the chance. It’ll brighten your mood and almost certainly the mood of the person next to you as well. Even if singing isn’t your strongest talent, you can always hum along. Remember, cheerfulness is contagious. We probably can’t change the entire world with these simple ideas. But we can still intentionally seek to add life and cheer to the people around us. And as a result, make this season a little more wonderful.
Good Afternoon!
My name is Sarah and I work with the show American Pickers on the History Channel. I just left you a voicemail and as promised, here is some more information! Our show is excited to be coming back to Minnesota this coming October and we're looking for leads throughout the state, specifically interesting characters with interesting items and lots of them! We would love to spread the word in your area! The way we find people and collections for our show is through spreading the word far and wide so that people know we’re coming to town. In case you’re able to share this for us, I'm attaching a brief synopsis of the show, as well as a flyer and some photos that you are welcome to share. Please keep in mind, we are looking for different, unusual, and unique items too – something we’ve never seen before and with an interesting story! Feel free to share this with your community, with individuals, social media, etc. Please make sure people who are interested reach out to us on our phone number 1-855-OLD-RUST (653-7878), or our email, which is [email protected]. We also have Facebook: @GOTAPICK and you can share our Facebook post by clicking here. Also, please note that Mike and Frank only pick private collections so NO stores, malls, flea markets, museums, auctions, businesses or anything open to the public. Please let me know if you’re able to share for us! If you are able to announce this throughout the month of September that would be amazing! My contact info is below, don't hesitate to call me with any questions. Thank you so much for your time and help! Best, Sarah Perkins Casting Associate Cineflix | T: 646 561 8390 55 Broad Street, 21st Floor New York, NY, 10004, USA ![]() Excerpt taken from St. Patrick’s Day takes place each year on March 17, the traditional religious feast day of Saint Patrick. St. Patrick’s Day Celebration